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It starts like this.

“Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed, citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has.” - Margaret Mead


It's a humble beginning.

Just eight of us without any prior relationship, sitting around a kitchen table and sharing what we love about Sturt. Common themes are its cultural diversity, its great food options, its parklands and hills, and of course its people.

But we also take our turn to share why we're all here: we don't think that our current MP is representing our community effectively at the federal level. We don't see two party politics as serving our interests, and we know there is an election coming up which represents our best chance to change that.

We all have our own specific things that we'd like to see go better at the national level. But more than what we say, the thing that bonds us is that we are all keen to listen and learn more.

What's important to other people in our area? Sturt is a big and diverse electorate, so is there a common thread between those in Glenunga and those in Holden Hill, or those in Stepney with those in Rostrevor? We're curious to find out!

So that's where it begins, right here with a small group of citizens around a kitchen table in Oakden.

We hope you'll join us. 

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Recruiting A Community Organiser

November 18, 2024

We’re looking for a community organiser to support our grassroots community group, Independent for Sturt, to find and support a community independent candidate to run in the seat of Sturt at the next Federal election to be held no later than 24 May 2025....

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Call for candidate launched!

September 12, 2024

The search has begun for an independent candidate to challenge the Liberal Party in the federal seat of Sturt. The group, Independent for Sturt, launched its candidate search this week and is hosting community engagement events to better understand the needs and aspirations of...

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