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We are a grass-roots, community-led movement being created by local people like you. 

We are committed to changing the way we do politics in Australia, starting in Sturt and beginning with a listening campaign to better understand the concerns of people in our electorate.

No. And Independent Sturt is not affiliated with any political party. A candidate supported by Independent Sturt would stand as a non-aligned Independent with their first allegiance to their constituency.

If you'd like to see more respect, greater integrity, accountability and collaboration in Parliament, then Independent Sturt is for you. 

We invite you, your neighbours and your friends as well as people in your community to join us. You will be listened to, engaged and encouraged to participate in the democratic process. You can participate as much or as little as you like.

Only by listening to the things that matter to the people of Sturt can we build the foundations of good and effective political representation. Therefore we focus on listening to the communities of Sturt at a grass-roots level. We will do this by talking with our local community in public places like shopping centres and libraries. We will hold Kitchen Table Conversations in the electorate to encourage people to have conversations about issues they consider important in the Sturt electorate.  We also encourage you to complete our online Sturt survey (find it here).

A Kitchen Table Conversation (KTC) is a simple, relaxed, small group discussion, led by a volunteer facilitator. The conversations usually take place in people’s homes, but can also be conducted in cafes, parks, pubs, online, or anywhere that is comfortable to gather.

There are a few ground rules, including that everyone is entitled to have a say and have their contributions respected.

The aim is to provide the space and time for participants to express their thoughts, listen to others and to find areas of common ground relating to the experience of living in Sturt.

Originally developed by the Victoria Women’s Trust, the process is designed to lead to real outcomes in the electorate by influencing the representative to take the views of the community into account. 

Themes and key concerns from all the conversations and the feedback from the surveys will then be collated into a public report to be made available in coming months.  This report will reflect what the people of Sturt most value about their community, and what they want from their political representative.

The report will form the basis of the policy platform for the Independent Sturt candidate.

The Independent Sturt working towards supporting a candidate for election to the Federal Government in Canberra.

If you would like to get involved with Independent Sturt, we'd love to hear from you!

1. Complete our Sturt community survey to share your views on what matters to you.

2. Signup to our newsletter. We'll let you know when there's in person events or news to share.

3. Volunteer to help in this community listening project. Just head to the volunteer page to register and our team will get in touch.